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Richie Bello




Winners Never Quit And Quitters Never Win. !!! CTO & Founder Shopsmartautos 6315789018 Automotive published author and renowned trainer, Richie Bello combined his automotive expertise with his robust Internet marketing skills. Bello’s books: Prospect Like A Gold Miner and Ten Steps To Sales Mastery Branding For Car Guys and Car Gals Career Plan will both be released in 2020.Innovation drives success. And, for Bello, it’s in his DNA. As early as 2000, GM recognized Bello as a first adapter of the Internet, Bello saw the value of using technology to promote business in the automotive industry. In fact, he worked closely with another guru, R. L. Polk, to develop comprehensive training tailored specifically to phone handlers of dealership phone leads. One of his recent developments is an intelligent, performance-based solution offering automated social media and inventory control platform for dealers. This advanced PPC marketing can be targeted specifically to any industry. Thinking “outside the box” has been the cornerstone of Bello’s career. From his success on the sales floor to becoming a veteran trainer and then the adoption of technology for Internet-based marketing, his career has evolved to deliver the skills and tools needed to remain competitive when selling in today’s automotive industry. Bello also is founder of Richie Bello Institute of Leadership and Management, a 501C3 not for profit, dedicated to the recruitment, education and employment of veterans into the automotive industry. Visit
