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Gina Daud




🇦🇺 🌻 Addicted to roasted sunflower seeds. 🇲🇾 Malaysian residing in Australia 🇦🇺 for the past 18 years. 💆🏻‍♀️ Migraine sufferer but not anymore since the vaccine 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤰🏻Eclampsia survivor. Brought up 2 premature babies. 16 & 8 now. 😓 PTSD sucks 👊🏼 ✳️ 💃🏻 Planet Sheila Majid 🪐 🎧🎶- i’m there with @johnong & @galvintan & @khunchew & @pualdidan & @admm25 🎙Played Mak Tanggang 👵🏼 in Midnight Malaysia’s 1st drama radio on Clubhouse. “Making the effort to remove the pain of others is the true essence of generosity” - Abu Bakr As Siddiq (RA) 🌹