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Lasairiona McMaster




📚Contemporary Romance author 🧳 Expat, Re-Pat, author of “Bloom Where You’re Planted: Life the Expat Way” 🛠 Co-Founder of Indie Author Tools 🖊 Staff writer Indie Author Magazine: ⚜️ 💋 Sassy and lil badassy 🧜🏻‍♀️ Enneagram 4w3 ♒️ 💜 Loves traveling ✈️ music 🎶 margaritas🍹popcorn 🍿 and the smell of the sea 🌊 “This writer has done more to free men to be fully human than any romance writer before her. Austen gave us the men who said everything we wanted to hear. Georgette Heyer gave us the brooding heroes we lusted after. Barbara Cartland...well, she made a lot of money... But Lasaironia McMaster gives us nuanced, whole men who do not shy away from the depths, or ignore their humanity. They’re finally and fully, people. And we love her for it.” 💌 TikTok/Insta/Twitter/FB: @QueenoffireLas 💌Newsletter: