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Phinias Mushayi




I’m a Zimbabwean entrepreneur with interests in Rural Tourism. To me tourism is a spiritual journey that is supposed to feed the souls of both the traveller and the host through cultural exchange, organically grown food and respect for all humanity. My mission is summarized below Africa brings in hundreds of billions of tourism related revenue every year. However rural populations do not benefit much from the revenue generated. This anomaly is very discouraging and not sustainable putting into consideration the fact that most tourism resorts are within rural land that belong to the rural communities. My goal is to make sure that rural communities enjoy the fruits of tourism through sustainable tourism thereby contributing to attaining SDGs. We will achieve this by making the rural communities become active members of the tourism value chain not only the employment side. Rural communities are positioned to supply the markets with organic produce thereby making sustainable income for themselves and also allowing people to consume real food without chemical components. Whatsapp +263734822137 🦒Member of Ecotourism Africa ✈️Tourism investment opportunities 🏦Tourism Real Estate Advice ⚖️Tourism Government Policy insights 🛤Rural Tourism Advocate 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Passionate about community empowerment through tourism 🏆Championing SDGs ⛺️Organic farming advocate.