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Phil I.




🇶🇶🇺🇦 今日のトピックは… 夕方セッションも全員参加型ディスカッションやりま〜す‼️ いつもやってるけどsmall talk kind of chit chatしましょう🎶 遠慮なくjust jump in whenever you’re ready 👍 Did some number on~ What’s the damage? How come? Balls in your court Spill the Beans Pull someone’s leg Sit on the fence Once in the blue moon Tonight let’s talk about your favorite movie 🍿 I’m sure you’ve seen many movies over the years so tell me about it 😏👍🦘🦘🦘 Two heads are better than one ☝️ Let’s read some article 🦘🦘🦘 <Phrasal Verb> Get Take Go Put Break Verb+preposition Fill Look Take Hear Turn Verb+adverb Grow Hurry Work Find Throw Pick Verb+adverb+preposition Look Make Keep Proverbs The first step is always the hardest Faith will move mountains Better late than never Failure teaches success Nothing ventured, nothing gained Soon learned, soon forgotten Two heads are better than one Patience wears out stones Even the longest journey begins with a single step A young idler, an old beggar English,Japanese and just a bit of Korean speaking Interested in mahjong,politics,🥁🎶🐓🐈🐕🫏🎶🥁 ask me Have been in 🛜☕️🍰👂advertising industry for about 20years currently ramen chef lol Weird old ramen chef can speak English Just strolling around the rooms here and there to find out which might suit for me Lived in NYC Queens about 8years,went high school and college Most memorable time of my life 🤩