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Prem Sangeet




Empowering Purposeful Tech Startups & Conscious Founders in AI, Web3 & Health 🍄 💸 GP Supreme Factory VC/Accelerator 🌎 Director Startup Grind London 🍄 Ex Shamanic Facilitator Beckley Retreats 👨‍🏫 Mentored at 20+ accelerators and corporate innovation programmes One Tech by Capital Enterprise, P4 by UCL Precision Medicine, NatWest Accelerator, Newable, Global Entrepreneur Programme (GEP) by DIT, Kickstart London, Hackney Business, Acorn Aspirations, Teens in AI, Founders4Schools, Swisscontact, Escape The City, WeWork Labs, Startup Grind, Google for Startups... 🎓 I’m a visiting lecturer at the Imperial College London, the world’s #2 best marketing department. Also gave guest lectures at the top UK universities including University College London, London Business School, Queen Mary University of London, Hult Business School... 💥I used to work on Marketing and Events at the UCL Advances in 2015, the largest entrepreneurial department in the world, working with 1000+ entrepreneurs and 500+ community events in the time of London’s Silicon Roundabout Hyper Growth. 🏛️ I advise corporates, funds and governments on startup eco systems, including Department for International Trade UK, Serbia, Embassies US, Swiss, Japanese, Czech, Slovakia... 🎸 I helped build the largest music festival in South East Europe called EXIT Festival which won the Best Major Festival Award 3 times! 🙃 Fun Facts: • Studied Jazz music and play guitar • Ran 10+ marathons, 1 ultra, 3 medals • Yogi with 20+ years of meditation  Please feel free to get in touch [email protected]