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Hi thanks for stepping by my bio👋 I'm from Taiwan. I worked at Shenzhen, CN for 5 years and now I’m in a career gap and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. My interests is also my hobbies: music, going to gym, hiking, mountain climbing, I love driving, I love traveling. I am in clubhouse because I want to explore what I dont know, learning new things and break the boundary of my imagination. 💭最近的Inspiration quote🙌: 🔷人生如棋,落棋不悔。 🔷擴大能力,約束慾望。 🔷相信思考,勇於改變。 最近迷上在Clubhouse上聽不同腦袋的思維和各種邏輯思考,覺得收獲很多,我知道自己缺乏批判性思考和看事情不同的角度,來Clubhouse鍛鍊自己的腦袋🤯