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G Cole




Founder - Pathwaves - - a realization of more than a decade of mapping, studying and balancing brainwaves - have literally reviewed more than 1,000,000 minutes of brainwave recordings - Creator of NeuroEmpowerment - a pioneering new science and health improvement process that allows people to gain unprecedented control of their nervous system so they can become and sustain their best version of themselves. - on a mission to change the world to be a love-based place! Help our cause - donate at - Certified Executive Life Coach and Mental Health Consultant - What a neurologist does with EEG data for the brain and physiological function, I do for the mind and mental function. - a student and professor of the human experience ❤️😇 Highly-conscious, love and heart centered, multi-talented, innovative, disruptive, passionate, altruistic, Master Change Agent. Dubbed by one of my mentors as “The Michael Angelo of brainwaves” - let’s create masterpieces together! 😍