Derrick Grant
To Inspire and Ignite Humanity to fulfill their Divine Purpose. “Heaven is home, earth is the marketplace” I welcome opportunities to speak and moderate the following topics: Solar Energy ( refer clients and earn $1500) New Thought or Mind Science Christianity Moorish Science and Civics Derrick Grant is a: 🤵🏾Husband ❤️Father Pastor of Kingdom Nation, Asbury Park NJ Entrepreneur High Point Ventures Solar Power, Real Estate Development, Finance and Media ❇️A Political Progressive Thinker building the Largest African American Lobbying Organization. Author of 2 Ebooks: 📘 Divine Body (E-Book) Restoring the Divinity of Humanity 📘Money Minds (E-Book) The Two Minds of Money 📘Christ Consciousness: Mysteries of the New Birth (Coming Soon) The Evolutionary, Revolutionary Progression of Christianity: “Inclusion encourages people to enjoy and employ the freedom to be who they are while evolving to what they choose to become” Bishop Carlton Pearson