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N’Dia Kai




💰 $PartywithND$ 💰 N (like the letter in the alphabet) Dia (like Dee-ah) (Day in Spanish) She/Her/Where the blessings Resides ✨🪄 💫 Leo ☀️ Pisces 🌙 Gemini 💫 NY ✈️ NOLA | 🇵🇷🇻🇮🇨🇼 Branding • Social Media Strategy • Music 🎵• Film 🎥 • TV 📺 Clubhouse Tings: •A dope member of Late Nights, Early Mornings •A moderator at The Cousin Kickback •Kicking it at “Black & Queer at Bella Noches” •A fan of Let Me Beat in The Morning CH Quotes: “Y’all ain’t got no motion” - a guy on CH “Stay positive. Test negative” - Emma P. “Even if you gotta use spark notes 🗒 you gotta read the room” - Julius “I’m coming to you as a gentle they” - Tassiana