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Baltimore Made | Mil. Spouse life DMV📍 HEY 🙋🏿‍♀️ Y’all wassup💛👑 I’m Vee AKA BUUVee (Be You Vee) or Blk.Unfiltered & Unapologetically Vee, a Creative providing high quality influence to the people for the people. Need some UGC or Content made? Let’s Collaborate! Brands I’ve worked with: CruxGG | Good Molecules | Nutr | Mothahood | Luxurious Turquoise Sun | Coded Belle | Hot Shapers | Aquapure | 91thelabel | Busties ✨Content Creation is more then a video its the bigger picture and Social Media is the TODAY! 🌱🍃Supporter💨🙃VETERAN😬 🕵🏿‍♀️Mission👉🏿To Protect MY Women👸🏿👸🏾👸🏽 💰Building and Creating Generational Wealth 📖While Learning W/O Fear of the unknown🛸 📚READING is the Key to all Success🗝 ✨Turning Knowledge📚Into Wealth💰 ✨Getting to THEE Higher-self👸🏿 😎Unapologetically💁🏿‍♀️ 🧿Standing close to the Universe🧘🏿‍♀️ 🔮Trusting my Process ♉️ 💰CashApp🌻🧘🏿‍♀️$Vdoug93 Connect with me! Blk.Unfiltered&Unapologetically Vee TikTok: 74.1k. ohveecal Facebook: Blk.Unfiltered&Unapologetically Vee Pinterest: @locdnrooted