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First and foremost, I'm a daughter of Jesus Christ. My identity comes from Him. Because of Jesus I can do all things. Because of Jesus I have breath in my lunges. I’m so grateful for His Grace. The more I read His word and spend time with Him, I increase in knowledge and wisdoms. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: because I visit(ed) your space doesn’t mean I’m in agreement with everything that was share(d). AFFIRMATIONS: I speak life over myself. 1- Every day in every way my life gets better and better. 2- My very good comes from God and magically appears like mushroom overnight. 3- Evil is real and it leaves no stains in my life. 4- There is no loss in divine mind and all the years that the locust have eaten are returned to me multiplied and magnified, hallelujah I received my good. 5- God is not a respect of persons what God had done for prophet Lovy and many other man and woman of God, God can and will do for me, hallelujah I receive. 6- My every good words, shall accomplish that which I please and prosper into the things whereunto I have sent it. 7- Man shall not live by bread alone but by every good word that proceeded out of his or her month. So now I only speak good over myself and others. 8- Things are always working out for me. 9- I don't judge myself, I just love myself. 10- It's done and sealed in the blood of Jesus. Amen Cash app $NeadaWilson