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Majestic Charlotte El




I am In The Love Of The All, And All Love Is In Me..... Greetings Of Peace and Love Family. Iโ€™m A Very Grateful Landowner... I Manifested This Lifestyle Of Living Out In Nature. This Was One Of My Many Dreams, And It Came True... Iโ€™m homesteading, in my case that means living a Self Sustainable Lifestyle. What Does Self Sustainable, Mean To Me? It is to do the basics, and then go beyond. It is to respect The Planet Qi/Earth, and the creators of the earth and all the living therein. Therefore Iโ€™m boots on the ground everyday. As a caretaker of this plot of land gifted to me by the universal store house. One day maybe soon, maybe not so soon... Iโ€™ll start a room and share my story.... Stay tuned and please friend me especially if my story resonates... ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ Check out my Pinterest page