Music PR, Angles, and Pitches! Let’s talk tips, hacks, & strategies that work! Stop by PRConvos: Music Edition right here on Clubhouse. Got questions, bring ‘em. Check out 👉🏽 MyBrandIsLife eBook Series 📕PUBLICITY: The Ultimate“New Music” Launch Plan + PR Checklist 📕SCRIPTS: Emails That Maximize Your Exposure grab yours today 📕PITCH, BIG! Going Beyond Local Markets - Crafting a Successful Pitch (coming soon)— ————— 👉🏽 Edit-In-Chief for ELEV8 the Gospel Industry HotSpot— we focus on Culture, Music News, Events, FB Interviews, + More find us @elev8magazine 👉🏽 Edit-In-Chief for RYZE thee #1 CHH Magazine! Culture focused Music News, Entertainment, and Events | IG Interviews + New Music Fridays find us on IG @ryzemagazine _______ Music Business, Funding, Financial Advisor, and Credit Specialist @thethompsongroupcr 👉🏽 Let’s 🔗 up 👉🏽 $DrNaeThompson 👉🏽 l said, My Soror… DST