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Blockchain proof crypto OG! Founder/CEO, the most innovative nft marketplace in the world. I'm looking for dope music and artists to bring to the platform. I enjoy advanced crypto discussions. AKA: Victor Blockchain Hyper creative/techie who loves to build cool things. Creator of Crypto Rap, Bitcoin encrypted in rap lyrics. Decode the lyrics and the bitcoins in the song are yours. CREAM.. Crypto Rules Everything Around Me. Launched the 1st crypto currency for video games 'gamerholic' African Hyena Pets. Magical, mythical battle ready hyenas as pets, with assets as attributes. Each pet comes with a bag (a smart contract wallet) for it to hold tokens and other nfts. Minting now on tips: nine0x.eth cashapp: $victorblockchain (one with chess piece) Previous account: JordiLaforge
