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Nidhi Shri




COACH⭐FACILITATOR⭐SPEAKER⭐LEARNER ⭐HUMAN BEING: I grow by helping you grow.. ____________WORK & CREDENTIALS____________ I work on your limiting belief, mental patterns, skills and strengths so you can work on your action plan with confidence, managing time and opportunities & transform yourself. Your story is your unique story and you are the best person to deep dive into it, untangle the knots of your life and seek clarity. 👩‍🏫 Freelance Corporate Trainer & Coach certified for Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Positive Psychology, Systemic Team Coaching, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence coaching and training people on: 1) Self Leadership - Emotional Intelligence, Enhancing Productivity & Performance, Anxiety, Overthinking & Stress Management, Managing Wellbeing, Self Acceptance, Making Best of feedback 2) People Leadership - Leadership / Manager Effectiveness - Having Difficult conversations, Coaching Teams, Creating High Performance Teams, Managing Team Dynamics, Effective Delegation 👩‍💻 Worked with IT / Tech, BFSI, EduTech, Lifestyle Retail, Health & Fitness, Automobile Manufacturing, SEO, Steel, Telecom, Painting, Product Analytics, e-commerce, etc _________________________________________________