Nazia Shah
30:30 So set your face to the religion ḥanifan. Nature (FITRA) made by) Allah (upon) which He has created mankind [on it]. No change (should there be) in the creation (of) Allah. That (is) the religion the correct, but most men (do) not know. 30:31-32 Turning to Him, and fear Him and establish the prayer and (do) NOT BE OF THE MUSHRIKIN mina alladhīna farraqū dīnahum FROM THOSE WHO DIVIDE THEIR RELIGION AND BECOME SECTS, EACH PARTY IN WHAT THEY HAVE REJOICING. 22:78 And strive for Allah (to) Him (with the) striving due. He (has) chosen you and not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. (The) religion (of) your father Ibrahim. HE NAMED YOU MUSLIMS FROM BEFORE AND IN THIS, that may be the Messenger a witness over you and you may be witnesses on the mankind. So establish the prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He (is) your Protector - so an Excellent [the] Protector and an Excellent [the] Helper.