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Ashley Raymond




πŸšͺ: Founder & CEO @doorhawks β€’ We run the door for the best events and productions in the 🌎 Need Brand Ambassadors for your event? We got you. πŸŽ₯: Talent Producer & Talent Relations πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’Ό: Consultant β€’ πŸ’“ CMO’s 🎢: Management Team for Goapele β€’ Former Day to Day Manager for Alex & Sierra β˜€οΈ : Based in Los Angeles, CA ❀️ connecting with: * Multi-faceted Entrepreneurs * Media Coaches and Marketing Experts * People interested in gaining experience in entertainment as a Production Assistant ❀️ talking about: * The intersection of music, events, film, sports, and talent relations * Faith, goal setting, moving with intention, family, and love ✨: You cannot allow people to treat you any kind of way. You are not just β€œany kind” of person. πŸ‘‘ #TheBeliefGap πŸ”ΊπŸ˜