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Hello there, I am Victoria ♍️☀️♊️⬆️♐️🌙 🏜🌵 AZ born and raised. It's nice to meet you 😉 🌹Optimistic / Empowering mindset 🌹Intuitive 🌹Lover of all things family, friends, healing, manifestation, gratitude and self love I am determined to live my dream life on my terms 😍 🍯🌶️😊 Sugar Spice & Everything Nice 💟I am passionate about understanding others experiences, and learning from them.💟 The words we speak, the thoughts we think and the actions we take are my obsession. 😮🤔🤯 🌀Where focus goes, energy flows, SO FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT🌀💖 Other things I am obsessed with is: ⚜️Family and connection ⚜️Kindness ⚜️Truth ⚜️Meditation ⚜️Mindset ⚜️Yoga ⚜️Self care ⚜️Self improvement ⚜️Music ⚜️Plants ⚜️Loving life ⚜️Dreams ⚜️Building my network Change your story...change your life💜 Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakes. - Carl Jung