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Monique Allen




💎 Mission: fundraise 💴 to close the digital divide by introducing 1 MILLION black, Latinx & Native American kids to STEM using our mixed&Virtual reality (M/VR) applications 💎 Forbes Business Council Member 💎 501c3 Founder/Executive Director 💎 CEO/Founder Tech & Healthcare Co 💎 STEMM Fest/STEM Bella Co-Founder. 💎Using music & beauty to teach STEM IG: @stemmfest 📍 Northern California- SF/Bay Area Girl Let’s chat while sipping on a MOtini 🍸: 🧫 STEM 🎶 Music 💄 Science of beauty ✈️ Travel 🖲 Mixed Reality/VR- Virtual Education 💫Community development ✨Strategic & valuable partnerships 💫Contracting & Procurement ✨Nonprofit fundraising 💫Empowerment ✨Entrepreneurship 🍹Mixologist 🗣 Why ♋️ women are the best 🌊🤎💋🫂 🎤 Enneagram Type 7 😅😍