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Mitchell Lu




🇹🇼台灣台中 Taiwan/Taichung 🧑🏻‍💻30年半導體測試專業 30 years Semiconductor Testing 📱潛水的蘋果粉 Diving Apple Fans 🎛少數在台的Home Automation玩家 Home Automation player in TW 🐈有三隻貓要養 3 Cats Shovel Officer 🚘✈️喜歡帶家人到處玩 Travel around TW and overseas with Family 📈台美股票基金外匯黃金小額投資 US/TW stock .mutual Funds and Foreign Exchange trade, Gold passbook Trade 🔌想買一台Tesla Model 3。還未成功 Future Tesla Cars owner.Not yet 📖對新的事物都有旺盛的求知欲 Have a strong thirst for。 knowledge of new things 🗂知道很多事情。但都不是非常深入 Want to Know many things. But not very deep 📰大概知道個8成。太深入無法消化 For lot of things ,I know about 80%. Too deep to digest 🗞喜歡自己能博學多聞。能夠吸收多少算多少 I like to be knowledgeable as much as I can at different area