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Marina Gee




Fighting Cancer one Mind at a time. I help breast cancer survivors find meaning after fighting for their lives by helping them tell their story of resilience in the social media sphere. My belief is that what's holding you back is not cancer. It's societal limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, survivors guilt, and scanxiety. Mental Health is the key, not an accessory. I am a blogger, content creator, podcaster, and solo entrepreneur. I am also a breast cancer previvor navigating life-changing crossroads such as six-month scans, hormonal therapy and prophylactic bilateral mastectomy. ✳️ Join my club Blooming Academy ❇️ to be led away from anxiety with mindfulness, gratitude, and wellness best practices. πŸ”· Join my Private Facebook Group πŸ”· Blooming Academy Find me on social media @mindbloomyou πŸ”— πŸ“© [email protected] πŸ“πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ