Kendra Cathey
Text Start to (678) 990-7152 Hey 👋🏾My name is Ken. I am. Personal and business credit expert I teach you how to BOSS your life up using other peoples money - Even if you have poor credit . I change the lives young, millennial minority entrepreneurs by helping them get the credit to fund businesses and invest into different income streams to create financial freedoms If you see me floating around here, I’m educated people about one of four things 💡Financial Literacy 💰Business Funding 👸🏽 Credit repair 📄 Business Credit Building Need me in your circle ? Let’s talk sis. I’m on club house to: 🌐Network with Like Minded People 💳Teach others about finance and credit management 📚Gain knowledge from other business professionals . I love to learn and converse. Connect with me in Ig: Kendracatheyfinancial (Business) Ig : Milliondollarace (Personal) KendraCatheyFinancial