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Megan Bentley




Civil society leadership, striving for a more equitable world @ TechSoup β€” The largest global network of capacity-building nonprofits in the world, reaching 1.2MM NGOs in 236 countries and territories and distributing $15B of donated and discounted tech and resources to NGOs worldwide to date. Opinions are my own. *** Creative leadership, imagining and making room for possibilities @ Freelance *** Past life: Startup founder & advertising agency exec. Ex brand engagements: The Walt Disney Company, ABC, The Oscars, Charles Schwab, Brita, Sanofi, Publicis, and more. *** Interests: 🌍 Global solutions rooted in localization and cultural context 〰️ The role of creativity in making the future πŸ‘₯ Behavioral science, neurodiversity, and community/belonging πŸ‹ Conservation, particularly wildlife and ocean conservation 🎨 Arts education πŸŽ₯ Film & Photography πŸͺ„Brand Identity πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Mindfulness 🀟 Body positivity (Feel great about yourself!) πŸš€ XR/VR for good *** Available for board opportunities, consulting, and networking.