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Mia Monet




🏘Clubhouse Community Creator Detroit native National competing Poet -2018 Grand Slam Champion of both Detroit and Grand Rapids, Mi simultaneously -NPS group piece finalist -Motown Museum Slam Finalist -Science Gallery Lab back to back Slam finalist Community organizer -reproductive justice -criminal justice reform -mental health Educator -reproductive health -sex positivity, BDSM/kink Creator of Kinky Black Collective Aquarius ☀️ Scorpio 🌙 Sagittarius 📈 (If you’re into that🤷🏿‍♀️) ENFP (ENFP-T) Fluent in sarcasm Weirdo 👽 but the good kind ☺️ Clubhouse enthusiast and Community Creator of all inclusive safe spaces If you want to support an artist or contribute to any info and education I give....... 💰Tips are graciously accepted CashApp: $PoetMonet Venmo: @mia116
