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Jeff McCallum




⚑ Entrepreneur for over 40 years 🎯 I visualized the life of my dreams and created it πŸ’° Recently sold my companies to a private equity firm. ♻️ Holistic living via fitness in mind, body, spirit 🌎 Thirsty for new ventures and adventures ⏳ Time is the most valuable resource 🧭 Companies I founded & Co-founded Expert Author Publishing, Myabk, NorHaz, Burnmac, and Okanagan Mentors πŸ“š Co-Author of two bestsellers: -101 Reasons Why You Must Write a Book ( forward by John Assaraf) -Change One Belief (forward by Brian Tracy) πŸ’– Passionate about podcasting, advocate of lively conversation, and host here on Ourmindset Clubhouse πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Communication and networking expert 🎢 Motivated by music,Guitar, vocals. 🎀 Moderator and speaker for Our Mindset to in Clubhouse πŸ“² My website: πŸ—£ Focused on professional storytelling, public speaking, and active listening. πŸ— Mentorship available to help entrepreneurs grow through the imposter syndrome and into greatness! πŸ’°Money Stewardship DM me to inquire