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“It gets better in the moment. And then the moment leaves us.” -Virginia Kraft-Lee I Am Authentic I Am. Simply, an Advocate , of lost causes Not the king of any, Imaginary Relm, nor Castle in the distance. Not, a competitor, in an Imaginary race, for intellectual Supremacy Grateful, to be... A Survivor I Am 300 years old I Am 80 feet tall Homeless (2012) (2016-2022) Rover (Boule, Guvnah, Shea Shea) My great-great-great-grandmother’s mother (Grandma Carmichael) was a Blackfoot Native, fully blind, and she wore a single braid down her back swinging an axe to chop wood in flowing Black handmade clothes —always at dawn. The children of that era growing up in our Alabama valley town were convinced she was a witch. Journals of A MENSCH My personal journals and critiques for disrupting the 21st Century Black American INTRA Racial Genocide.