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Markus Schulte-Huermann




🌎 elastic sustainability and public welfare - we need for our future freethinker / digital visions / investor / public health Interests: - People: are not actually complex - Cultural revolution: must come - Blockchain: alternativeless?QKD better? - VUCA world: rethinking - Sustainable: it won't work without monitoring - China: we can learn a lot here - Closed borders: lead to war - Distribution fights: are not climate protection possibility In the 80s, I started out with the conviction that software would make the world a better place. Around the turn of the millennium, software seemed to me to be a crucial reason for our unjust world. Now I think we have no choice and must use software to save our world and keep it livable. our problem: "Ambiguity, or entropy, overloads our operating system causing our empathy to be disrupted and our intuition to fail to start."
