How far to go with a bio. ? I Iam a Spirit Being having a human experience ⭐ We muse, through house conversations & contemplations we learn from each other's moods . We seek out our tribes . We reveal our shadows and celebrate our super powers. Time is toroidal. The mysteries , intrigue me to seek. The Age Of Aquarius reveals Truths along with my purpose. THE W's of life. As Alan Watts said " Why ask why or Why do you want to know? Always interested in why I am the way I am and what is my purpose on this beautiful planet? There is way more out there among the stars and our Mother Gaia than us humans... "Divinity is Planetary" How can I serve. What can I give back. How can I celebrate this Human insperience. A Fe from Ireland named Catch found me in BCS and introduced me to my Hologenetic profile. All I can say... is it Tied my Rooms together. The synarchy of purpose comes to us in its own time when it knows we are ready. Iam you and you are me and we are all together. Koo koo ka choo... " 🦎 Hei Yah Hei Yah...🎵 Dream a Little Dream with I Life is But a Dream...shaBoom Love, Gratitude & Light Marci💚