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Makiko Komparu(金春 牧子)




🗼Born in Tokyo Japan 📍Living in the US アメリカ在住🇺🇸 ⌚️GMT-6 昼夜逆転して-2時間 ChatGPT 楽しい! ※クラハの画面を見ずに話していることがあります。(調べ物をしたり、他の作業をしたりしながらお話ししている事が多いため。)お部屋のチャットに気づかなかったり、オーディエンスにいらした方に気づかなかったらすみません! —— 能楽の金春流の宗家に生まれたものの、理系気味の勉強をして普通に仕事をしてる一般人。現代の教育を受けて育ったため、残念ながら古典・歴史の素養は低いので、今から勉強したいと思っているところ。興味のある方、ご一緒しましょう✨ 能を含めた日本の美しいものを愛しつつ、ちょいちょい能の話をしつつ、シカゴでフルタイムで働きながらも自由に寒冷地生活を楽しむ、暴れる男児二児の母。 初世:秦河勝 ※聖徳太子の側近 五十七世:金春禅竹(ぜんちく)※妻は世阿弥の娘 五十九世:金春禅鳳(ぜんぽう)※世阿弥の孫 六十二世:金春安照(やすてる)=禅曲(ぜんきょく)※豊臣秀吉の指南役。徳川家康の愛顧を受けた。 曾祖父:七十八世金春八条 祖父:七十九世金春信高(のぶたか) 父:八十世 金春安明(やすあき) 弟:八十一世 金春憲和(のりかず) My family lineage can be traced back to the 6th century with our first generation being 秦河勝 Hata no Kawakatsu, also known as Hada no Kohkatsu, a legendary figure in Japanese folklore who introduced ritual Shinto dances to Japan. It is said that Hata 秦 is related to the Emperor of Qin in China. Note: the same Kanji Chinese character is pronounced Qin or Chin in Chinese, Hata or Shin in Japanese. The Komparu family was already been playing ritual dances both in important Shinto shrines, Buddhism temple and sometimes at palace. for over 700 years by Muromachi era, when Noh has been established by Kan’ami 観阿弥and Zeami 世阿弥, the father and son, back in 15th century. The 57th grand master KOMPARU Zenchiku 金春禅竹 had married to Zeami’s daughter and created many Noh stories. My father, KOMPARU Yasuaki 金春安明, is 80th grand master, while my brother, KOMPARU Norikazu 金春憲和, currently holds the title of the 81st grand master of the Komparu school of Nohgaku. Lived in 5 counties: 🇯🇵 Japan 🇬🇧 England 🇸🇬 Singapore 🇭🇰 Hong Kong 🇺🇸 United States Sister of the 81st grand master of Japanese Nohgaku Komparu school, KOMPARU Norikazu. Daughter of the 80th grand master KOMPARU Yasuaki. Movies of Noh performance of Komparu school is now available on Vimeo - available to purchase by the end of March 2021. Noh is the oldest theatrical performing arts continuously played still today that have been passed down from generation to generation without interruption for more than 650 years. My family has been performing for more than 1400 years, long before Nohgaku had been established back in 14th century. What is Noh?