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Lupe Viayra




📍Bay Area, CA 🇲🇽Mexicana 📈Business Woman 💄MUA, 20+ years beautifying faces 👩🏽‍🏫Experienced MUA trainer 🎙Skilled public speaker 💃🏽Avid attendee of Mariah Carey Fridays 🌶One of your favorite chingonas ✨Co-Owner of LARUCE Beauty. 🖌We are a luxury, cruelty-free brush company. We push boundaries, defy limitations, and do not conform to social constructs. Our intention is to generate the feeling of enjoyment, excitement, and passion while encouraging everyone to be the ultimate version of themselves. 💋Previous-Estée Lauder Corporation 🌟TOM FORD/Bobbi Brown💖 Let’s learn and uplift each other together😉