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Lorna Ponambalum




🤲🏽Independent Safeguarding and Inclusion Consultant I can help with: 🟣Safeguarding Audits 🔵Policy Reviews 🔴Support 🟢Supervision for Safeguarding professionals 💛👶🏻👧🏽Passionate about children and young people’s education and keeping them safe 🧠Mental Health First Aider for young people 👩🏽‍🏫👩🏽‍🎓Former Designated Safeguarding Lead and Senior Leader in Schools with 24 years teaching experience 🧬🧪 🧫 I am a Science Teacher 👩🏽‍🏫 too Born and Live in the UK 🇬🇧but so proud of my Mauritian 🇲🇺 heritage. ✍🏽I also write blogs, create content for safeguarding training and am an expert for a leading online training provider. ☎️Please also contact me if you are interested in joining the multiagency safeguarding hub. It is an opportunity to meet with other professionals in a safe space to discuss safeguarding issues. 📱Connect with me on: LinkedIn - Twitter - PonambalumLorna Instagram - lorna.ponambalum