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Lord Mwenda




*Life after Death is Birth after Life* 🌗Jack of No Trade:Master of All🌓 Pronoun-Psalms 82:6, We/Us 👀 •Fiduciary •CIO •Investorish •Private Holdings-Trust Company -Trust and Estate Management -Business-Corporate Solutions *Traditional Afrikan Modern Refinements* ✍🏾⚖️🤑 *Conversations might end when I speak OR taken out of context…enjoy!* PRIMUS INTER PARES-Plenipotentiary ::UCC1-108/1-308:28USC1746:: 🛡 Account #funnyguy Sura 2:282 🧘🏾‍♂️ *Glitch or hack unfollowed lots of you without my knowledge. DM if you notice.*