Lizzy Reid
•Headhunter •Creative thinker •Community lover & connector •Empowering others The Dots one of 100 rising stars inspiring change 2021 Founder of Start Something Different. 🌎 Connector of top global talent into forward thinking and dynamic companies. Luxury, Fashion, Creative, Digital space Running ‘Ask the Recruiter’ series on Clubhouse Co Founder of We Are Powerful Creators ⚡️Monthly global creative community collective supporting and connecting entrepreneurs currently on Soho House and Soho Works platform. ➡️ Passionate about people, places and spaces. Wearable technology, future trends, AR, building teams. Luxury and Fashion. Private Equity and VC, Sustainability, Music, Art. Peleton obsessed. Happy to connect and chat anytime! Drop me a message ⬇️ @startsomethingdifferent @wearepowerfulcreators