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Dionne W.




👩‍🍳 Feeding my loves/luvs is part of my love language. ☕️ Did someone say coffee? 🫖 Did someone say tea? ✈️🚊🧳🚘 Le’s go! ✒️ Fountain Pen Lover 📚Avid reader | Used bookstores are my jam…show me romances, cozy mysteries, the macabre, and poetry please! 👩🏾‍🏫Lifelong learner 🧶Knitter 🛼 Moxi/Impala girl; Roll bounce! 🥾Lover of the great outdoors | Let’s hike! 🎼 Music feeds my soul Recovering Baptist/Catholic Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Myers Briggs | INTJ DiSC | C Manifesting-Generator Chinese Zodiac | Rat Egyptian Zodiac | Geb Cancer☀️ | Aquarius 📈 | Leo 📉 | Taurus 🌚 | Leo in Mars | Leo in Mercury | Gemini in Venus 9 ♦️ | The Hierophant Tarot and Oracle Decks Collector Spirit Animal - Honey Badger ——•————•————•————•—— ⚠️ My presence in a room or on a stage is not an endorsement of the content, subject-matter and/or views of the speaker(s) or host(s).⚠️