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Alexandr Moses




Founder and CEO LISC.WORLD HD - reflector 5/1 IMPACT! 🌎🌍🌏✅⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We create a new generation of real estate-IDEON and make it profitable using the People’s Life Intelligent System is a project aimed to develop the existing world economy by creating and stepwise selling to the world market a new generation of real estate in the form of Intelligent PROFITABLE Energy Efficient/Eco-friendly/Economically feasible Real Estate Objects - IDEON and the People’s Life Intelligent System "LIS", that enables to effectively create or purchase, operate such real estate and provide additional returns for property owners. Goals of LISC.WORLD • Provide each inhabitant of the Earth with his/her own IDEON. • Create an environment – a system to ensure the quality of human life in accordance with the level of technological development of humankind. • Create an IDEM – an Intelligent Profitable Energy Efficient/Eco-friendly/Economically feasible World The ideology and economic model of Lisc. world allows not only to provide every inhabitant of the Earth with their own home, but also to solve all the urgent problems of humanity. My competitions. Developer Real Estate & Creator of concept and economic model of IDEON (Intelligent Profitable Energy Efficient Real Estate), Ideologist of IDEM (Intelligent Profitable Energy Efficient World) development concept, 18+ years in construction industry and real estate market. Competencies: brokerage, marketing, analytics, consulting, project management, real estate development, optimization of construction business and development of international relationships in the field of construction and deliveries. Insta TG @liscworld