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Ariel Lee




🦄Not Just Another Boring Financial Advisor 👩🏼‍💻LinkedIn profile @ ➡️you can find me there most hours of the day 💍Engagement is my secret sauce ✳️Baby-Guru✳️ of the 🌎LinkedIn(ternational) Club🌎 Monday-Friday 8:30-10:30am EST Curious about my “strategy”?: 🦄🦄 3️⃣0️⃣& 6️⃣0️⃣ minute one-on-one coaching conversations available 🍷🥂 I’m an equal opportunity wine lover (red/white/rosé...I’m non-winary😂) 🏈 I love football (Carolina all the way 💯 Panthers/Gamecocks) 🚗 I spent 13 years in the car business and broke free about a year ago ❌👩🏼‍🎓 I did not finish college and I’m super passionate about encouraging other people with how to develop a solid life/career without that expensive piece of paper