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ko) 수많은 관심을 가진 이상스러운 사람 en) weird-ous person with diverse interests ja) 数多い関心を持っている理想的な人 eo) La bizara humano kun multaj interesoj - 🔄인식의 새로고침 클럽 ‘🆓이상할 자유를 허하라’(화 21:10-) 리더 Interests : anime-manga/æni-manwha, Webnovel, #Cosplay, otaku, Webculture, Christianity(arminian, anglican, progressive), democratic citizen, wikimedia, Railroad, aviation, artlang(stelo), piano, music, Stage illusion, a bit of fashion, English, Japanese, anti-standard-Korean, Autistic traits, Neurodiversity, Neuronormality, #KNFT, DEP, et al.,