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Janet Macaluso




Founder, Learning2LEAD and Regenerative Leadership Coach 🌿πŸͺ΄ πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Certified High Performance Coach πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Certified Tiny Habits Coach I offer something different for successful midlife professionals and change makers: An anti-hero Regenerative Leadership Framework to transform your "1st-half" successes into "2nd-half" significance with modern science, ancient wisdom and a nudge from me. πŸ”‘ Create life-affirming habits πŸ’₯ Evolve personally & professionally πŸ’« Become non-displaceable Build more capability with an anti-fragile, Regenerative Leadership approach. Let your unique essence shine through. πŸŒ€ Regardless of past successes, failures or age, let's customize your Good2GREAT vibrant Best Future Self πŸŒ€ Avoid second-hand derivatives πŸŒ€ Evolve your leadership, business or next phase of life with a nudge from me