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Ms. Sabrina




“HAPPY ON PURPOSE” “BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING” “SMILE” “LOVING YOURSELF IS NOT VANITY IT IS SANITY” “THE WOUND IS WHERE THE LIGHT ENTERS” Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination Walking on a journey with a Legion of Ancestors behind me ☀️ = ♍️ 🌑 = ♌️ 🌅 = ♈️ 8th 🏠 = ♏️ 2♦️ LP# 7 Master Manifestors ✅Mother of Air Force Son Veteran ✅Mother of Daughter that is a Senior in College ✅Retired Navy Veteran ✅Founder & COO of Victory Veterans Association ✅Owner of Phenomenal Memories ✅Venue Owner of “The Event Center” Statesboro, Ga ✅🎊Event Ambassador for Phenomenal Memories/Bling Itz (Facebook) ✅Wellness Coach ✅Commissioned Notary - NC 💵 $aways231