Mri Nzinga
⚖️Lawyer _ Luanda , Lisbon , London & Zurich 🌍 Co-Founder of ECMF Lawfirm Prof IG : @ecmirianfaria_advogados Fluent Languages : Portuguese | English | Spanish Basic knowledge : French |Japanese |Hindi | Kiswahili 🧠Integrated Corporate Consultant | MCIPS specialist | Green Belt Six Sigma Graduate 🍃Hobbies and interests: reading, writing, singing, art lover, swimming, cycling, martial arts, meditation, nature lover. Hosts “ Chá & Diálogo” a deconstruction of concepts , with a worldwide attendance and participation , on Facebook since 2019 | Manages the “RRIDMI” book club since 2011 ***************************************** 👐🐛🦋on the Higher consciousness path | Spirituality *************************************** Obs : Please ensure my explicit consent is provided prior to recording me. *Sigam a página @kweli_2022 no Instagram, para Mais Informações referentes ao evento de Outubro em Lisboa*