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Natasha Barshalom




Natasha Bar Shalom My Energy is my Pitch ⚡️🗣🗣 501c3 owner ( mental health awareness / holistic ) Mission 🎤 Triggered Futures is a social movement for a change. Our mission is to help end human suffering by addressing mental health through events providing experiences, services, and education. These events can improve the lives and wellbeing of our neighbors family members and friends dealing with the challenges of mental health and houselessness. Vision 👁🧿 We envision that by organizing a call for volunteers and donors we can produce lasting change in the lives of people seeking to improve their situation. During a Triggered Futures Event we will produce a safe space environment where our guests will experience activities through which they can earn tokens to spend on goods and services. Activities might look like vision boarding, open mic and storytelling, yoga and meditation, or a dance party. Tokens may be used to purchase clothing shoes and accessories at our pop-up shop, haircuts, or even massage, energy healing, or acupuncture. People who deal with mental health challenges and houselessness are often displaying red flags of a triggered past. We aim to manifest a positive experiential memory that will build lasting inspiration for what their future will hold. We intend to hold fundraising events throughout the year to raise money separately from our Triggered Futures events by celebrating our donors and participants in evening of performance, food, and fun. These events will build community and culture around our collective healing and development as a community. Call 📱 We reach out to our community for donations of services, skilled workshops, material goods, and monetary donations. A service donation may be wellness services like acupuncture massage or energy healing, food preparation and cooking services, clothing collection sorting and vending services. A skilled workshop would look like a nutrition or cooking workshop, meditation or yoga workshop, fine arts crafting or life skills workshop. Material donations are donations of clothing, shoes, accessories, toiletries, food, or general event supplies. Monetary donations will be accepted via our go fund me and there are several donation levels. Lead generation for solar installation Free phones and tablets 🤞 let’s see if you qualify IG : KOSM_connections Social media management Event host 📍Denver Colorado Download the highlyconnectedapp Let’s work