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Collin Darrell




Aloha from Kaua’i 🤙🏝💯 Hospitality🔄Tech Interpreter 🚀👾🚀👾 🧱⛓💡 I Love to Problem solve 😬👨‍🔧🌞 SpecialBusinessOperations.Com Working with people and food started at age 6 with an independent food drive 🛒 🌎I believe that the next platform for the world is Blockchain 🧱⛓ and NFT’s are everything that’s not 💰 Domains I’ve Sold! -Blockchainsexplained.Com Currently growing my Turo Fleet 🚙 🚘 Providing Physical Hospitality too 🍷WSET Certified Sommelier🍷🤵‍♂️ 👨‍🍳 Bachleors + 30 years of service Hawaii’s 1st 💯local Grocery store 👊Grit and Determination to share Blessed as a Father of 3 & Husband