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Kira La Forgia




⚡️ Your outsourced HR Director ⚡️ Helping 6/7 figure online entrepreneurs get Set To Scale™️ by hiring a team and step into the visionary role they were meant for. Take the free quiz: what type of employee do you need to hire? 🔻intensives for organizational planning 🔻“coachsulting” on employee issues 🔻HR made simple and effective 🔻Set To Scale™️ {human} Resource Library for all your hiring needs 🙆🏼‍♀️ Owner and Small Business Hype Girl at Paradigm Consulting- start, run, and grow your business #butmakeitfun🦩 Find out more: ⚡️Founder of the most epic networking group for women with bimonthly workshops for the early stage entrepreneur Hey! I’m Kira. Dog lover, wine drinker, iced coffee addict and pretend vitamin taker. Here to make friends! 📍San Diego