Ivan Gonzalez
Co-founder/CEO @FluentPlay https://angel.co/company/fluentplay 🌎 Helping event creators reach new audiences and language groups around the world 🌎 Enabling anyone, anywhere, anytime to access life-transforming content in their own language Serial entrepreneur & systems thinker increasing human flourishing. Lover of family and serendipity. ÂżDonde están los RĂos de agua viva? Other topics of interest: 8 forms of capital Where’s your capital/money coming from? Where’s it going? The impact of those decisions on your life. Just launched “Kingdom Riffs In The US” club. We will touch on various themes like what Wolfgang Simson & Anderson Williams address in this Vimeo link. (https://vimeo.com/210155235). What’s the difference between “church” and “ekklesia” and why it matters! https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params=%7B%22note_id%22%3A2846176305707213%7D&path=%2Fnotes%2Fnote%2F&_rdr đź“ŤNapa>Lansing>Detroit>Southwestern Michigan>Chicago>Paris>Panama>Venezuela>South Bend http://linkedin.com/in/ivangonzalezchicago