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Stephen Johnson




Test Prep Expert | Author | Entrepreneur | Investor | Mentor | former Genetics Researcher I believe in people. I am a standardized test prep expert and mindset coach who has helped thousands of people achieve their academic & life goals over the past 20 years. I was raised by a single teenage mom in the inner city of Los Angeles, CA. My superpower is the ability to find calm in the midst of chaos and to transform “negative” life experiences into the power to thrive in any circumstances. The tests I assist with are: ACT & SAT: College/University GRE: Graduate school programs GMAT: MBA programs MCAT: Medical School CBEST: Teacher certification * Don’t let a test stand in the way of your dreams!* I also work with professionals & entrepreneurs to help them develop resilience and cut through the chaos and succeed. More about me: 📚 Author of “Small Beginnings Require Bigger Dreams” (find it on Amazon) 💰 Investor (startups, crypto, stocks, & more) 🧠 Mindset coach 🏦 UCLA Anderson MBA student 🧬 Ex-gene therapy research scientist ❤️: 🏎🍾🛩🏝🏆🍝📈🪙 Words I live by: “To him who has much, more will be given, and much will be required” “The beauty is in the distance between where you start and where you finish” “Your only limit is you”