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Kim Allingham




Late ADHDer | 3x Entrepreneur |🍷free 2 yrs Founder of @notmakingdo ......................... Connect entrepreneurs and self-employeed ADHDers to project sprints at tech startups. To drive creativity and innovation, bridge gender and skill gaps 🚀 Empowering startups who think differently and support neurodiversity Re-framing how ADHDers scale portfolios and secure projects ............................ With 1 in 7 people neurodivergent, and 50-75% of women going undiagnosed - we need to adapt workplaces for ALL. It also supports those with: - PTSD - Grief - Addiction - Eating disorders - + many more invisible conditions ................................... Would love to connect with: ADHD entrepreneurs/self-employed ADHD strengths/coaches ADHD neuro-inclusive workplace designers Not making-do, just makes sense.