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Kathleen Mozena




🙋‍♀️☀️Hospitality, Meeting & Speaking Professional, CMP 🧠🧘‍♀️🏋️‍♀️✨mental fitness Positive Intelligence coach (in training) CTI/Co-Active Coach 🧘‍♀️🤸‍♂️200-hour Yoga teacher trained via YogaWorks 🎤Toastmaster, CC, PM5(presentation mastery), EH5, Past President, VP PR, VP membership, started & created newsletter for members 🌟“We all do better, when we all do better” 👏 Curious about so many things, a few here👉 🎨✨Enjoy all things creative and design 🏞Nature🌲trees, mountains, lakes, oceans ☀️ 🧠🎯Habits, Human behavior ✨🏋️‍♀️fitness/health/nutrition 🍇🍽💕Gatherings with good food, friends and fun 📚University of Oregon, BA Communications - exchange program in Avignon, France 🌟Love learning new things, growth📚, travel, people, collaboration, leadership, communication and creativity. ✨“It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness” 💕- Eleanor Roosevelt 🔗