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元看護師。過敏性腸症候群の便秘型&ガス型歴約20年!!現在低fodmap食で症状軽快☆(完治ではない) お腹が弱くて学校や会社に行けない人のためのレシピや生き方のヒントをYouTubeで配信中♪IBSでも人生ハッピーをモットーに生きています♡ #IBS #HSP気質 IBS constipation type & gas type history about 20 years !! Currently low fodmap food causes relief ☆ (not completely cured) People who are hungry and cannot go to school or work We are delivering recipes and VLOGS for you on YouTube ♪ I also live with the motto of happy life ♡ #IBS #HSP temperament