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Jaleesa Willis




🕯Artisan/Chandler🕯 Push Mile Candle Company Handmade | Handpoured | Custom Coconut Apricot Wax | Coconut Soy Wax Any scent you can think of we will recreate it for you. Customized for you! 🕯Cultivate your space🕯 ❤️This is Me❤️ 👩🏾‍🦽——A 15 year Paraplegic——👩🏾‍🦽 Passionate about the lives of those like me being the best possible. Disabled is an adjective and like all adjectives it can be taken or left. You describe you! Live your capable life! I’m using a wheelchair, but I’m not defined by it. Budding linguist if you’d like to teach me your language, I’d love to learn it. IG: @thecapablelife 🌹What affirms you? 🌹 🎋Always Be🎋 Teachable/Coachable A Lifetime Student with a passion for all credible information.